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From 5 startups exhibiting in 2010 to in excess of 800+ early stage companies taking part in the 2013 Web Summit, the startup team has become one of the cornerstones of the Web Summit and START. We bring together the world’s most exciting and disruptive startups from 80+ countries - the companies that will change the face of tech in the coming years. These startups come to the Web Summit to meet the world’s most prolific investors and influential media, pitch on stage and make the vital connections that will realise the potential of their missions.

  • Work hand-in-hand with broader production to manage exhibition stands, pitching competition stages, networking rooms and after party events.
  • Lead data collection for 700+ startups - work with design to ensure all relevant information on companies and logos are collected in a timely manner to hit strict print and production deadlines.
  • Manage startup events on the day of the Web Summit. Pitching stages, investor meetings and networking events will all take place concurrently.
  • Be the link between production, design, sponsorship and startup teams.
  • Participate in weekly team meetings providing detailed status updates and forecasts of future projects.
Minimum Qualifications
  • BA/BS degree in relevant field (business, technology, administration or similar).
  • Proficiency in Excel, lead generation and database management.
  • Ability to work to explicit deadlines and strong time-keeping skills.
  • Negotiations skills for suppliers and vendors.
  • Exceptional communication and persuasion skills with fluency in verbal and written English.
  • Create processes for data collection, sales pipelines and in-conference networking.
  • Keen interest in technology.
Preferred Skills
  • Creative and visual skills; the ability to explain your thinking; interpersoanl skills and an ability to work indepently.
  • Presentation and negotiation experience.
  • Experience managing multiple projects concurrently.
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