
Book your ticket by Friday 27th & save €400

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Why are thousands of people flying from around the world?

There are few events globally where the CEOs of the world's most revolutionary companies and thousands of CTOs, marketing managers, sales managers, HR managers and more fly tens of thousands of miles to be at: The Summit is one of those events. Technology is changing every industry, every business and every role faster than at any other point in modern history. The Summit is an opportunity to learn about that change first hand.

Return on Investment

It's all about your Role + Your ROI

Increasing your revenue, managing your costs and seeing real ROI is what matters in business. If your ROI goes up, you get promoted. If your company's ROI goes up, your profits and/or share price go up. Our speakers are making it their business to help companies, teams and individuals around the world apply new technology to increase ROI.

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Our Speakers + Our Attendees + You = More ROI

Learning from and meeting with our more than 350 incredible speakers across 8 stages is only the start. For many meeting, learning and networking with potential customers, clients and industry peers from around the world at bespoke events, dinners and more during the Summit is the real highlight.

  • “It was a conference that lived up to, and even exceeded, the hype”

    The Wall Street Journal
  • “The new hot ticket on the tech conference scene”

  • “The best conference we ever attended”

  • “The Rolls Royce of technology events”

  • “One of the hottest events in tech”

  • “This is Davos for geeks”

Hotel Alert

Our recommended hotels have already sold out

Dublin largest five star hotel the Shelbourne has sold out, along with Dublin's hippest boutique hotel, Kelly's. As has La Stampa, the Gibson, and many more. Last year there was a shortage of hotels within a reasonable distance of the Summit venue. This year, given the growth of the Summit, we're doing what we can to recommend and manage hotels for our attendees. Please refer to our accommodation guide for details.

  • La Stampa

    La Stampa Hotel

  • The Shelbourne Hotel

    The Shelbourne Hotel

  • Kelly's Hotel

    Kelly's Hotel

This year’s event will host more than 350 speakers, from founders, investors and CEOs to inventors, designers and thinkers

October 30th & 31st 2013

RDS Main Hall, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

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