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“We're coming to find the next Google, the next Facebook”

Niklas Zennstrom, Atomico

In three years, the Summit has grown from a small regional event to arguably the world's largest and leading startup and investor event. Tony Florence, partner at NEA, explains that "without a doubt it was the best event I’ve personally experienced for the technology and entrepreneurial community”, while Anish Acharya, partner at Google Ventures, says that "it was hands down the most interesting, high value, and well attended event I've been to in as long as I can remember." And it's for those reasons that not just the biggest names attend, but a long list of angel investors, boutique funds and family offices.

  • Atomico Logo
  • Accel Partners Logo
  • KPCB Logo
  • Andreessen Horowitz Logo
  • Google Ventures Logo

They're some of the most successful startups in the world. They come for a reason

Vine attended, so did Stripe. As did Waze. Did we mention Coursera? What about Uber? In fact, Uber raised one of their rounds while in Dublin. They dreamt big just like their investors, and now they are big. They're the type of CEO's who are hungry to meet potential investors, board members, journalists and more. Will you be there to meet the next wave this October?

  • Coursera Logo
  • Stripe Logo
  • Hailo Logo
  • Vine Logo
  • Datahug Logo

A who’s who of the world’s most innovative companies

Goldman's co-global head of TMT is coming to the Summit to meet the world's fastest growing companies. NASDAQ are here not just to open the market remotely, but to meet with tech companies on track to go public. Atomico's Niklas Zennstrom, who also founded Skype and has recently invested in Supercell, Fab and Hailo, is "here to find the next Google or Facebook". With over 500 high growth startups from around the world, there's no other event globally that now compares with the Summit.

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