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On top of producing world class events, Web Summit also has an outstanding reputation for our use of technology. We’ve got a strong in-house design & development team, who work closely with our marketing team to launch new products and campaigns on an almost weekly basis - and we’re pioneering several new approaches to using technology to ensure our attendees get the best experience possible.

Part of this is building new products in-house. In the last year, we’ve built:

  • A custom ticketing system which processed ~ 5,000 attendees, > €1m in sales.
  • An invite system which we’ve used to invite ~ 40,000 people to our global Pub Summit series.
  • A viral competition platform which drove over 200,000 Facebook likes, 840,000 unique visitors to our People’s Choice competition.
  • A content management system which powered several of our websites.
  • A powerful API, which will be unveiled at this year’s event and will power all of our online properties and mobile apps.

We’re currently working on several more products, which, for the first time, we’ll also be releasing to the general public in the near future.

Our ideal candidate will:
  • Have ~3 years experience building products in rails
  • Have a portfolio representing varied project work, utilising and demonstrating proficiency with a wide variety of gems and technologies.
  • A good working knowledge of Git and Github.
  • A reasonable knowledge of how rails interacts with databases through Active Record, and how to build well structured, well indexed schemas to reduce database overhead.
  • Write clean, well documented code with a focus on collaborating and integrating future features with ease.
  • Work well with others.
  • Have a desire to build simple, usable software.
  • Experience using and interacting with cloud hosting providers - Heroku, EngineYard, Cloud66, Digital Ocean.
  • Experience building API’s.
  • Test driven development - Rspec & Factory Girl.
  • Javascript - Experience in angular.js, ember.js favourable, but not necessary.
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